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Jim Abernethy: Befriending sharks, Chasing Dinosaurs, and Becoming a Voice for Wildlife (#34)

Jim Abernethy

“You work where you have to, so you can play where you want to.” -Jim’s dad.

“I’ve made a living at playing really hard where I want to.” -Jim

Jim Abernethy is an award-winning author, cinematographer, photographer, and conservationist. For decades, he’s lived aboard his boat, leading expeditions to engage with the world’s largest predatory sharks, cage-free. His work has been featured on Imax, National Geographic, BBC Wildlife, Animal Planet, the Discovery Channel and more.

In today’s episode, Jim shares how a dinosaur nest changed the trajectory of his life, how he makes friends with sharks, and how his book helped to shape ocean policy. Jim also shares some behind the scenes stories from film crews who came aboard his boat, and advice that anyone, from conservationist to business person, can live by.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Jim changed the mind of an ABC news producer to believe that sharks are affectionate
  • How Jim’s shark book influenced policy and helped to pass the fin ban in California
  • How Jim bonded with sharks through affection
  • How finding a dinosaur nest changed the trajectory of Jim’s life.

Connect with Jim: Instagram | Website

Quick Links
Jim’s Scuba Adventures
Leatherback Nesting
Jim’s Shark Book
The Secret of Pig Island
Sea Turtles Up Close
Sunday Night
Shark Girl Madi Stewart
Tiger Beach
Captain Ron
Emma the Tiger Shark
Guy Harvey
Abraham Joffe
Eric Cheng
Tales by Light
ABC News
Matt Gutman
Nurse Shark
Ocean Technology Systems
Wildlife Voice

Show Notes
2:45 how finding a dinosaur nest changed the trajectory of Jim’s life.

8:00 Though Jim knew he wanted to work with wildlife as a career, when it came time for university, Jim chose to pursue a degree in Business. Why business? Because vet school was out for him, thanks to organic chemistry. Jim shares advice on paying attention in school, and how pivotal education is and why he wishes he paid more attention.

10:50 When Jim started his diving company, there was more money being spent in the US on ping pong balls than in the diving industry. Jim’s life lesson? Play really hard right where you want to, so that you can wake up like a charged battery, ready to work even 4 decades later.

14:00 Jim’s book, why he published and how he created a publishing company and how Jim’s book was used as an educational tool on the senate floor to help pass the fin trade ban in California. Jim’s takeaway? He wishes he spent more time studying English in school!

23:20 film crews that didn’t want to swim with sharks

33:32 Of all the cinematographic moments, Jim shares his favorite nature documentary that he was involved in.

36:35 Jim’s favorite field story: shooting with ABC news reporter Matt Guttman and proving to him that sharks prefer affection over fish.

44:15 Jim’s ask for the audience: help with his nonprofit, Wildlife Voice. His campaigns are updated regularly, and it’s not all about sharks!

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