The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in a net of wonder forever


Marine Biology

Marine Biology is defined as the study of the ocean’s living organisms, which is a pretty boring way to to describe exhilarating research like deep sea exploration, diving exotic coral reefs, studying dolphin behavior, and more. Being a marine biologist can mean that you work daily on a boat, or that you’re writing reports that shape public policy. It can also mean time spent in the lab, studying the results of your efforts of field time. It’s a dynamic and diverse field, and one that has captivated the hearts and minds of many a generation.


Here we believe that being a marine biologist is so much more than simply studying the ocean’s living creatures. Oceanographers, engineers, videographers, conservationists, and every day folk all fall under the ocean’s spell. What does it take to work on the ocean, to help save our seas? We’ll be exploring these topics in depth on this website and over at our podcast So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist. We learn from people who are working hard to better protect our oceans with their inspiring research and projects. We break down scientific jargon into bite sized pieces, and cover concepts important to marine research. We explore how to get those amazing jobs (like studying dolphins and coral) and what it takes to contribute to marine science. We show you how you, just one person, can make a huge impact. We reveal the real side of being a marine biologist. If you love the ocean and its mysteries, you’re in the right spot

About Me

Howdy, I’m Kara Muzia, ocean enthusiast and marine biologist. Some of the projects I’ve worked on include water quality sampling, sea turtle research, seagrass research, oyster restoration, and building artificial reefs for coral restoration. I’ve learned a lot over the years, and have felt a pull to do more. I have been asked dozens of times about how to get the jobs that I’ve had, and recognize that there’s a lot of people out there that really want to help the ocean. This is my way of becoming more of a voice for the ocean and to answer the question, “how do I become a marine biologist?”


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